Mama Trish: Ringmaster

Renfair pic by Laurel Housden, sangin’ pic by LaQ Media, selfies by my-dang-self!
Hello there! I’m Mama Trish, the Ringmaster (“RingMother”?) of The Self Care Circus! Welcome, and help yourself to a big ole serving of “…Care for your Big Top and Everything Under It!”

On these pages, (and off!), I will be entertaining you, engaging you, and encouraging you to be the Ringmaster of your own self care circus. I’ve been dealing with the problems of self care – I like to call them “opportunities” – for 5 loooong decades. This is where I’ll be sharing my tips and tricks for not only surviving, but thriving.

Got Owies? Focus issues? The world got you down and you’re having a hard time getting back up? The Self Care Circus can help. And we travel. Classes, Performances, Workshops, Lessons… we bring it all to you. Contact us for rates and availability. Check the calendar for shows and classes. Or cherrypick through pages, blog posts, links, and videos. However you need it, the Self Care Circus is here for you.
Who the heck is Mama Trish?!

I am a Singer, Songwriter, Composer, Musician, Entertainer, Card-Carrying Yogini (certified, yo!), Actor, Artist, Healer, Reader, Writer, Traveler, Gypsy, Dancer, Doggy Mama, and Damn Fine Cook. I was, most recently, a Festival Organizer, but have done many different jobs in my lifetime: working in a Nursery (plants, not kids), Nanny-ing (kids, not goats), Bartending, Busking, Metal Smithing, Selling cars, dressing up like a Showgirl and taking photos with Japanese tourists on Guam, Waitressing, dressing up like a Bumble Bee and dancing at the side of the road for radio remotes (I have also DJ’d, sold airtime, and wrote and produced commercials). I started Teaching Yoga over 25 years ago, and have been a paid performer (on multiple instruments) since I was 13. Part of me knows that I don’t have to capitalize all that, but seeing as that is what made me who I am, it deserves mad cap respect… heh heh… (< If you don’t like bad puns I suggest you leave, quickly and quietly, for your own safety.)

So… what now?
Here at the Self Care Circus, we strive to do something different. You know, something unique, but with universal appeal. (I mean, who doesn’t want to have fun, be entertained, and feel better?!) Sometimes it may be a little weird, perhaps, but definitely something you’ll enjoy. (Unless you hate puns and stupid jokes. Then, my friend, you will not enjoy this. Run. Run fast away.) We’re all in this screwball circus together. Let’s help each other through it. This is a wayyyy “audience participation” kinda show. Feel free to comment if you have any suggestions. Or questions.
I’m Mama Trish. I know some stuff.

* My dear friend, fellow gypsy traveler, and luthier extraordinaire, Hoopdie restored her, but insists on calling her “Sexual Chocolate, ladies and gentlemen, Sexual Chocolate!” He is also the person who first handed me a violin. I said, “I can’t play violin.” To which he replied, “Yes you can!”, with such conviction that I believed him and started playing. Thanks Hoopdie!
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, or a health care professional, but I am my own professional self care advocate. You should be yours, with the considered input of a doctor that knows you, and all the research you can do. Don’t forget to also research the “professionals” behind the site. Type in the name of the page and the word “Scam?”, or Wikipedia it. Some of these clowns are just out to make a buck, selling you stuff themselves, or getting kickbacks from people who do. Don’t be a sucker, folks, do your research. Make your own snake oil!